Mobile MRI to be used to compare Meerkat populations at three UK zoos
Following our very successful and scientifically prodictive scanning contract to study the physiology of Penguins at the South Pole last year, we are proud to announce that FAIRFORD MEDICAL has been awarded the contract to supply one of our Mobile Siemens Avanto TIM&DOT 1.5T MRI Trailers to be used to carry out a 6 month research study on the Meerkat populations of London Zoo, Chester Zoo and Longleat Wildlife Park.
The Mobile MRI will be regularly rotated between the three Zoo sites to monitor changes in each Meerkat group and between them and produce reports on how they are developing and diverging with respect to each cohort.
Our sister company QUEST MEDICAL UK LTD will be providing the logistics, transport and maintenance for this project, as well as a mobile generator to power the MRI trailer.
ZEBRA MEDICAL will be providing the AI expertise to compare the scan images using their Cloud processing system to create reports of divergence in physiology in the three different populations.
The project is being coordinated by Sergei P. d’Avril, head of the department of Biomechanics at Oxford University and funded by a grant from Simplez Foundation.