Fairford Medical Announces It’s New Relocatable With Siemens Avanto 1.5t Tim + Dot Will Be Available 1 November 2017

Saturday, June 24 2017

Fire and Health Protection far exceeds UK Building and Fire Regulations – 60 Minutes for all walls and ceiling with embedded steel framework to prevent collapse of ceiling and wall panels in case of fire!

The relocatable and MRI are supplied with a ONE FULL-YEAR OEM WARRANTY and thereafter with best-in-class maintenance provided by our associate company, Health Imaging Solutions Ltd (www.healthimagingingsolutions.com) and their highly experienced, fully OEM trained, flexible and friendly team. HISL provides bespoke maintenance contracts designed for your particular needs at significantly below OEM prices and with a 98% or better Up-Time guarantee!  

It will be available for short term rental (minimum 10 weeks) or longer term lease from 1st November 2017.

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